Implementing Software Automation Process for Indian Voting System Using Slot Booking process and Biometric Authentication
India is a big democratic country and voting process plays a majorrole in election systemso that Indian citizens can elect the leadersof their choice for the state or country. In democracy, government is of the people, for the people and by the people.Without genuine elections, democracy has no meaning. Elections provide citizens with a uniformly managed way to voice their opinions and choose who and what is best for themselves and their nation. In India, there are three levels of government, i.e.,Center level (Lok Sabha election to elect PM and MPs), State level (Karnataka Assembly election to elect CM and MLAs), andLocal level (Panchayat). [1]
Voting system is the principle of a universal adult franchise which is the foundation of the democracy that gives every citizen a right to have one vote and each vote should have equal value. Every citizen of 18 years or more has the right to vote, irrespective of his caste, religion, gender, educational qualification, financial status, etc.The voters’ list is provided to the voters of each constituency much before the election for the purpose of inspection and correction.On the day of election, the people cast their votes as per their names mentioned in the voter list.Voters whose name is on the voters’ list go to a nearby ‘polling booth’ and cast their vote one by oneto the elect their leaders of their choice [2].
Current Indian election process is very tedious, many manual processes is involved which is very time consuming one.The citizensneedto wait in long queues for more time to cast their vote.This can be avoided by implementing software automation system in election process. Implementing software automation process would reduce the many manual process like a) waitinginlong queues during votingtime b) avoidinghuman errors likeone person voting many times c) authentication and validation of citizens during election (like manual verification of documents).
In the present investigation and research, an attempt was made to implementsoftware automation process in Indian Voting System by utilizing the latest software technologies, methods, and tools. A web application was developed to validate the user/citizen by uploading all relevant documents (like Voter Id, address proof) before voting. These details can be verified against Aadhar DB for validation. Also, aslot booking module was developedto avoid long queue during voting so that citizens can select a particular time slot for voting. Also, during voting process, every citizencan be validatedusing biometric or face recognitiontechniquesso that only valid citizen can cast the vote for the designated area.
[2]. https:// indian_polity/ indian_polity_elections_system.htm
[4]. https:// products/ technology-platform/ process- automation/ what-is-process-automation.
[5]. https:// searchsecurity/ definition/ biometrics.