Aggregates the data balance the load, sleeps and wakes up the hub, locates the utility, and increases the vitality and system lifetime are the proposed technique steps. Data Aggregation Trees are data gathering trees that are suitable for performing aggregation operations (DATs).Data Aggregation Trees (DATs), which are coordinated trees established at the sink and have a one of a kind guided way from every hub to the sink. To spare this energy wastage, sleep scheduling algorithms can be utilized to turn the hubs to the sleep state when their radios are not being used and wake them up when essential. Effectiveness based figuring is done to improve the system lifetime and lessen the vitality utilization.
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[2]. Lahouari Ghoutia , Tarek R. Sheltamia , Khaled S. Alutaibi, “Mobility Prediction in Mobile Ad HocNetworksUsing ExtremeLearningMachines”,ProcediaComputerScience19(2013 )305–312.
[3]. Kazy Noor E AlamSiddiquee, Karl Andersson, FariaFarjana Khan, and Mohammad Shahadat Hossain, “AScalable and Secure MANET for an i-Voting System”, Journal of Wireless Mobile Networks, UbiquitousComputing,andDependableApplications,8:3 (September,2017),pp.1-17.
[4]. Heni KAANICHE and Farouk KAMOUN,“MobilityPredictionin Wireless Ad Hoc Networks usingNeuralNetworks”,JOURNALOFTELECOMMUNICATIONS,VOLUME2,ISSUE1,APRIL2010.
[5]. Roshan Fernandes& Rio D’Souza G. L, “A New Approach to Predict user Mobility Using SemanticAnalysisandMachine Learning”,SpringerOct-2017.
[6]. Nori M. Al-Kharasani, Zuriati Ahmad Zulkarnain, ShamalaSubramaniam and ZurinaMohdHanapi, “AnEfficient Framework Model for Optimizing Routing Performance in VANETs”, Sensors 2018, 18, 597;doi:10.3390/s18020597.
[7]. P.S. Deepak, S. Gowtham, K.N. Manuprasad and T. Remya Nair, “Impact of Energy Efficient Routing onthePerformanceofProactive,ReactiveandHybridRoutingProtocolsofMANET”,InternationalJournalofPure andApplied Mathematics Volume 119No.102018,957-965.
[8]. Saranya. R, Padmapriya. R, “Contradiction Based Gray-Hole Attack Minimization for Ad-Hoc Networks”,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering, Vol. 7, Issue 2,February2018.
[9]. Zaid Bassfar, “Improving Routing Discovery Based Velocity-Aware Probabilistic Using AODV with LinkPrediction inMobileAdhocNetworks”,AmericanJournalofAppliedSciences,2017.
[10]. Patil, AA. and Mali, S., “A Novel Approach towards the Detection of Malicious Nodes in Mobile Ad HocNetworks”,InternationalConferenceonCommunication (ICCT),pp.12-16,September2015.
[11]. Panos,C.,Xenakis,C.,andStavrakakis,I.,“ANovelIntrusionDetectionSystemForMANETS”,Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT), IEEE Athens,Greece,2010.
[12]. DManohari,GSAnandhaMala,KMAnandKumar,“Faulttoleranttopologycontrolwithmobilityprediction in MANETs for clinical care data transmission”, Biomedical Research 2017; Special Issue: S36-S43.