The complexity of interconnected power systems due to competitive energy markets, growth of population and economy made the power system to operate at their capacity limits. This effects the dynamic behavior and stability(small signal stability). In this paper power system stabilizer equipped with PID controller using linearized modified Heffron-Phillips model for a singe machine infinite bus system is presented. The PSS designed based on this model utilizes signals available within the generating station and does not require the knowledge about external system Bparameters like line impedance and infinite bus voltage. Different loading conditions are considered to study the dynamic behavior of single machine infinite bus system. In this paper the effectiveness of conventional PSS,PSS design based on modified Heffron-phillips model and PID- MPSS are compared.The complexity of interconnected power systems due to competitive energy markets, growth of population and economy made the power system to operate at their capacity limits. This effects the dynamic behavior and stability(small signal stability). In this paper power system stabilizer equipped with PID controller using linearized modified Heffron-Phillips model for a singe machine infinite bus system is presented. The PSS designed based on this model utilizes signals available within the generating station and does not require the knowledge about external system parameters like line impedance and infinite bus voltage. Different loading conditions are considered to study the dynamic behavior of single machine infinite bus system. In this paper the effectiveness of conventional PSS,PSS design based on modified Heffron-phillips model and PID- MPSS are compared.The complexity of interconnected power systems due to competitive energy markets, growth of population and economy made the power system to operate at their capacity limits. This effects the dynamic behavior and stability(small signal stability). In this paper power system stabilizer equipped with PID controller using linearized modified Heffron-Phillips model for a singe machine infinite bus system is presented. The PSS designed based on this model utilizes signals available within the generating station and does not require the knowledge about external system parameters like line impedance and infinite bus voltage. Different loading conditions are considered to study the dynamic behavior of single machine infinite bus system. In this paper the effectiveness of conventional PSS,PSS design based on modified Heffron-phillips model and PID- MPSS are compared.