- Broadcast encryption helps a sender to securely distribute messages to a dynamically changing set of users over an uncertainty channel. The broadcast encryption scheme needs a trusted party to distribute decoded keys. Group key agreement (GKA) protocols set up a group of members to negotiate a common encryption key via open networks so that only the group members can decrypt the texts and the contributory broadcast encryption (Con BE) can enable the sender to send message to particular member of the group but, it do not offer a fully trusted third-party to set up the system and Existing GKA protocols does not handle sender/member changes effectively. We proposed Arbitrary Topology Generalization and Identity-based Broadcast Encryption (ATIBE) scheme. The scheme holds a Private Key Generator (PKG). The PKG generates private keys from users’ identities by using a master secret key (MSK). The PKG also strengthen the public broadcast encryption key and distributes information of decryption keys to users. This scheme allows avoiding the neighbors’ communication problems, efficient encryption/decryption and only one round is requires setting up the public group. In addition to this proxy re-encryption scheme is used to improve the security level. This proposed scheme establishes secure Broadcast channels and provides a secure numerous emerging distributed computation applications.